Thursday, January 8, 2015

A full year of Jane Austen

More Austen than you can handle in one Year You might think that there are only six novels by Jane Austen and you would be correct, but there is an entire world of Jane Austen out there that I would like to tell you about. More movies come out every few years, there are web shows, TV shows with Regency and Jane Austen episodes.
There is also works of Jane Austen that you may have never even heard about. Short stories, and plays she created when she was a wild minded teenager. There are also a few stories she never finished.
Jane Austen On Dvd These are only the list of movies that have been released on DVD or video. You can get a more complete list on, some of these were plays that were aired and may have not been taped at the time. 1. Pride and Prejudice 1940. 2. Sense and Sensibility 1971 (very good). 3. Persuasion 1971 4. Emma 1972 5. Pride and Prejudice 1980 6. Jane Austen in Manhattan 1980 (terrible movie) 7. Sense and Sensibility 1981 8. Mansfield Park 1983 9. Northanger Abbey 1986 10. Persuasion 1995 11. Pride and Prejudice 1995 12. Sense and Sensibility 1995 13. Emma TV 1996 20. Emma 1997 21. Mansfield Park 1999 22. I have found it (S & S) 2000 23. Bridget Jones’s Diary 2001 24. Pride and Prejudice 2003 25. Bride and Prejudice 2004 26. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason 2004 27. Pride and Prejudice 2005 28. Becoming Jane 2007 29. Mansfield Park 2007 30. Northanger Abbey 2007 31. Persuasion 2007 32. Sense and Sensibility 2008 33. Miss Austen Regrets 2008 34. Lost in Austen 2008 35. Emma 2009 36. Aisha (Emma) 2010 37. From Prada to Nada (S and S) 2011 38. A modern Pride and Prejudice 2011 (haven’t seen it due to high cost and mixed reviews) 39. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (YouTube) 40. Emma Approved (YouTube) 41. Scents and Sensibility 2012 42. Austenland 2014 There are three Jane Austen musicals here Pride and Prejudice has only played regionally and Emma has played Cal and regionally, and the last I added was a school play set to modern music that fit the scenes they were doing. There are also Jane Austen Parodies online.